Tips for Preventing Pump Cavitation

Tips for Preventing Pump Cavitation

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If you run a car wash, you know that keeping your equipment in top shape is crucial to your business. Pump cavitation can not only be harmful to that equipment, but can alter the ratios of product being used on vehicles and end up costing you. If you suspect that something is wrong with the functioning of the water pump in your car wash, pump cavitation could be to blame. At Renew Car Care, we understand how important it is to keep your equipment in top shape, and our expert consultants can advise you on equipment maintenance, repairs, and more. 

What is Pump Cavitation?

Pump cavitation occurs when bubbles appear in the fluid passing through a pump. This can lead to excess noise, leaks, loss of pressure, and damage to various parts of the system. Not only is this costly for your equipment in the long term, but it can also affect the quality of car wash that your customers receive. 

When water pressure gets too low as a result of pump cavitation, the application of product to customers’ vehicles is also affected. Not only will more product than necessary go into a wash, but the application itself can end up uneven. When it comes to chemical costs, the difference can be bigger than you think. In one example from Car Wash magazine, lowering the water pressure from 60 to 30 PSI increased the cost of chemicals in a wash by 49%. 

To avoid pump cavitation, make sure that the filters are clean and that there is enough liquid to supply the pump at all times. Yet while regular maintenance is crucial to all parts of your car wash, it will only get you so far if the problem is being caused by an error in configuration. 

Car Wash Installation Services

Avoiding pump cavitation starts with having the right setup. There are a number of factors to consider. For instance, the reservoir that feeds the pump needs to be above it so that gravity can do the work. It’s also important to make sure that the inlet hose is not too short or too long, and that it’s the correct diameter. 

When in doubt, it’s a good idea to consult a professional for your car wash installation. Renew Car Care’s installation and redesign services will help you set yourself up for success. Whether this is your first car wash or an upgrade to your long-lived business, you can rest easy knowing that our technicians have the installation handled.

Consulting Services with Renew Car Care Solutions

Whether you’re struggling to find a solution for pump cavitation or simply increase the revenue for your car wash, the consultants at Renew Car Care can help. Our experts are knowledgeable in many aspects of running a car wash, and can offer advice for new and experienced business owners alike. To learn more about our services, contact us today.

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